m. currier designs

deploying to cloud aws

setup private_key


in the downloads folder run this in terminal:
chmod 400 private_key.pem

then move to the right place:

mv private_key.pem ~/.ssh

check its there:

ls ~/.ssh

and get your alerts

ls alrt ~/.ssh

connect to your instance - you need to stay in that folder

ssh -i "private_key.pem" yourpublicdnsregion

ssh -i "private_key.pem" [email protected]

create a vpc stack

VPC tutorial

create ec2 auto recovery stack

EC2 tutorial
Your vpc stack name is a parent dependant so insert that and your private key is the KeyName parm.

ssh into aws:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/private_key.pem ec2-user@add-the-ip

then super user do into that bad boy:


sudo yum update -y
#Install git in your EC2 instance:
sudo yum install git -y

Elastic Bean stalk
Run curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
pip install awsebcli --upgrade --user
python get-pip.py
make the role and copy the role name for the next step.
eb create --instance-profile ROLE_NAME_HERE